The introduction of hydrogen fuelled vehicles
is taking place in selected demonstration cities worldwide, with a view
to achieving full commercialisation. However, the successful introduction
of these vehicles will depend not only on technical maturity, but especially
on public acceptance of these new fuels and technologies. The work detailed
under this project will contribute strongly to a better understanding
of the acceptance of hydrogen technologies, and hence enable the introduction
of hydrogen buses to be carried out with a clear strategy towards public
acceptance. The work compares public attitudes in London (United Kingdom),
Luxemburg (Luxemburg), Munich (Germany), Perth (Australia) and Oakland
(USA), enabling international comparisons of perception to be made and
contributing to the international R,D&D co-operation objectives
of the EC. The work is complementary to many existing EC, national and
industry projects.
The objective of the project is to assess
economic preferences towards the potential and actual use of hydrogen
buses by conducting 'before' and 'after' economic valuation studies
within London, Munich, Luxemburg, Perth and Oakland. In addition, the
project will assess the level of influence of the hydrogen bus demonstration
projects in these cities on local perceptions of and attitudes towards
hydrogen buses by comparing the studies within each city. Factors that
explain the degrees of success and influence of each of the five demonstration
projects will be analysed, and potential public perception barriers
to the introduction of hydrogen buses will be identified. The project
allows an important international comparison of public perception and
preferences, with a focus on European countries. Recommendations for
maximising the positive influence and uptake of demonstration and commercial
projects will be developed and widely disseminated.
Specific objectives
of the project are:
- To analyse and compare public knowledge
and perceptions of fuel cells and hydrogen vehicles in each city
before and after the introduction of HBs demonstration projects;
- To estimate the perceived economic
value of the environmental benefits of HBs in each city, before
and after HBs demonstration projects;
- To analyse and compare intended and
actual use of HBs in each city by conducting before
and after surveys;
- To assess how knowledge, perceptions,
values and use vary across different population segments within
each city and across the populations of the five cities;
- To investigate the factors that determine
the effectiveness of HBs demonstration projects in shaping
public knowledge, perceptions, values and use;
- To analyse potential barriers to
the introduction of HBs in terms of public knowledge, perceptions
and values, in five cities;
- To develop recommendations for
maximising the positive influence and uptake of future demonstration
and commercial projects;
- To disseminate results widely
amongst companies and organisations that may in the future run hydrogen
vehicle demonstration projects, or that wish to introduce such vehicles
into service.
acceptance studies:
hydrogen bus
Applicable bus projects |